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"I feel I'm bringing a new fresh feeling of both old school hip hop and family horrorcore or better known as controversial hip hop. While I don't curse I do speak the truth..."

CRX born Cross Rivera was born in Detroit during the 80's, a peek in the birth of Hip Hop. From the early age of 6 years old Cross was dancing in front of the television to pop stars such as Michael Jackson, PRINCE and blues and funk legends like B.B. King and Grand Master Flash. Performing in plays and stage production from the age of 10 til freshmen year in highschool where he then focused on animation and marketing talents. It was not til moving to Colorado in 2002 that he changed his direction.

CRX established 80 Generations in 2005 for an animation project called "Faith and Fear: A Brother's War", after 2007 80 Generations rapidly grew into a production and management company led by Cross Rivera/CRX. After managing 12 artists manager and owner rebranded 80 Generations, stepped up to mic and became the face and sound of the company. Now with 80 Generations being the head to S.T.R Player Magazine, Cross Breed Entertainment, Generational Gap Radio Show, Co-Owner of Jammin' 98 and S.T.R Player Hour, we are on way to the top.

Dj Stavros EPK (Cross) -

Dj Stavros EPK (Cross) -

CRX- Rise Up ft. KidCrusher (Official Remix)

CRX- Rise Up ft. KidCrusher (Official Remix)

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